Common Signs of Plant Toxicity in Cats

Common Signs of Plant Toxicity in Cats

From household cleaners to houseplants, your cat’s health can be threatened by poisoning elements in numerous daily use things for you. You must understand the warning signs of plant toxicity in cats if you have a feline at home, especially if you’re fond of houseplants. If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, get help right away. The signs of toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, salivation and excessive drooling, twitching, breathing problems, collapse, skin inflammation, depression, coma, and changes in appetite or urination. Here are a few warning signs of plant toxicity in cats you should know about: Autumn Crocus or meadow saffron, as it is popularly called, is a common flowering plant that blooms in the fall. That said, it can be toxic to dogs, cats, and horses because of its colchicine content. Ingesting it leads to symptoms like breathing problems, gastrointestinal signs like drooling and vomiting, and kidney or liver damage, among others. Azaleas are flowering shrubs that have grayanotoxins, which can cause gastrointestinal problems like drooling or vomiting, heart arrhythmias, tremors, weakness, and transient blindness. All these are warning signs of plant toxicity in cats. Cyclamen or Persian violet are perennial flowering plants that are usually kept indoors.
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How to Identify the Different Types of Melanoma

How to Identify the Different Types of Melanoma

Melanoma is one of the most dangerous types of skin cancer that develops in the cells (melanocytes) that produce melanin. Melanin gives color to the skin. The cancer can develop in the eyes and in rare cases develops inside the body, such as in the nose or throat. It begins in a mole generally, but can also begin in other pigmented tissues, the eyes, or the intestines. Melanoma is less common than the other types of skin cancer. It is more likely to affect the nearby tissue and spread to other parts of the body. It causes more deaths than any other form of skin cancer. Here are some common and rare types of melanoma to know about. Common types of melanoma The most common melanomas are cutaneous because they develop on the skin, in areas that are exposed to the sun. The most common sites for the condition are the chest and back in men; whereas, in women, the legs are the most affected. Melanomas are more commonly found on the neck or face. Some common types of the condition are: Superficial spreading melanoma: This is the most commonly known melanoma. The disease grows along with the outer layer of the skin for several years.
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Early Signs and Diagnosis for Ovarian Cancer

Early Signs and Diagnosis for Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is a cancer of the ovaries, which are the female reproductive organs. There are two ovaries, one on each side of the uterus. They produce ova/eggs and the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The cancerous cells in the ovary multiply rapidly and grow abnormally, thus forming a tumor that can spread to other parts of the body if left untreated. Here are some early signs of ovarian cancer and procedures for its diagnosis. Early signs of ovarian cancer Women are likely to develop the symptoms of ovarian cancer when it starts spreading beyond the organs. Mostly, ovarian cancer is not diagnosed until it has reached an advanced stage. According to the American Cancer Society, only about 20% of the cases are diagnosed at an early stage, because the symptoms are not evident as yet. Here are some of the early signs to look for. Abdominal bloating Pain in the pelvic and abdominal area A rapid feeling of fullness after eating Difficulty in eating Feeling fatigued (extreme tiredness) Menstrual irregularities Heavy blood flow or irregular bleeding during periods Upset stomach Constipation Heartburning sensation Difficulty digesting food Pain in the back Painful intercourse An increased urge to urinate Diagnosis of ovarian cancer The symptoms of ovarian cancer in the early stages are not very evident and acute; hence, it is difficult to diagnose it.
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Arthritis – Causes and Beneficial Dietary Tips

Arthritis – Causes and Beneficial Dietary Tips

Arthritis is common, but it is not very well understood by many. Arthritis refers to as many as 100 different types of joint conditions, and it is a leading cause of disability in the country. Understanding the causes of the condition and following a few nutrition tips is important for arthritis patients as well as for people prone to developing the disease. Read on to learn more about the joint condition. Causes of arthritis Some types of arthritis are a result of the reduction of cartilage tissue in the body. Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue in the body that’s responsible for protecting the joints by absorbing the shock as the joints move. Osteoarthritis is a result of the regular wear and tear of the joints, while rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition caused when the body’s immune system attacks the healthy tissues. The bone and cartilage are damaged in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Nutrition tips for arthritis Several foods ease inflammation and aid recovery from arthritis. Here are a few nutrition tips for arthritis patients: Eat walnuts Walnuts are extremely beneficial that help reduces inflammation of joints. Walnuts are abundant sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are helpful for improving the symptoms of arthritis.
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5 Signs That Indicate Breast Cancer

5 Signs That Indicate Breast Cancer

Lumps or collected masses in the breast could be a sign of breast cancer in women. Around 4 million women in the country have been diagnosed with this type of cancer, so one must be aware of both the common and rare signs of breast cancer to facilitate early diagnosis and timely treatment. So, let’s look at a few common and rare signs of breast cancer: Changes in skin texture One of the symptoms of breast cancer is changes in skin texture due to inflammation of the skin cells in the region. Usually, one might develop scaly skin near and around the nipple and areolas, which is similar to a sunburn. The skin may also get extremely dry. The thickening of the skin on certain parts of the breast is also among the changes caused by breast cancer. These skin changes may lead to itching, which is a rare symptom. Nipple discharge People with breast cancer may notice a liquid discharge from their nipples, which may be liquidy or thick (sticky) and usually varies in color from transparent (water-like) to milky white to yellow and even green or red. Usually, the release of a milk-like substance from the nipples is seen in breastfeeding mothers, but it’s advisable to consult a doctor if one notices any other types of discharge.
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Sleep Apnea – Risk Factors and Effective Prevention Measures

Sleep Apnea – Risk Factors and Effective Prevention Measures

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder and causes the breathing of an individual to repeatedly stop and start while they are asleep. Different factors may cause sleep apnea. Some develop this condition because of blocked or clogged windpipes, while others may get it because of the abnormal behavior of the muscles that are responsible for breathing. Read on to know the risk factors and prevention tips for sleep apnea. Risk factors Obesity This is among the most common risk factors that can cause sleep apnea. The excessive fat deposited around the windpipe clogs the path and narrows it down, resulting in obstructed breathing. Nasal congestion This risk factor causes the sleep disorder in many cases. Nasal congestion may occur due to allergies or because of a differently structured nose, and these factors lead to restricted airflow as the airways are blocked. This tends to cause sleep apnea in patients over time. Smoking Those who smoke have higher chances of developing sleep apnea than people who do not have the habit. Smoking causes inflammation around the windpipe and increases the level of water retention, causing the airways to be clogged and narrow. The use of sedatives Using sedatives or any medicines or substances that cause muscle relaxation is another risk factor of sleep apnea.
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Hepatitis C – Symptoms and Diagnostic Methods

Hepatitis C – Symptoms and Diagnostic Methods

Hepatitis causes liver inflammation and can be of many types. Hepatitis C is a common type of liver infection that damages the organ and can cause liver failure if not attended to at the earliest. The symptoms and diagnosis of hepatitis C are fairly simple but should be kept in mind, as ignoring this infection can be detrimental to health. Symptoms Abnormally colored stool If the color of the stool seems to be more clayish than normal, it might indicate hepatitis C and needs a visit to the doctor. Jaundice Jaundice is an infection that damages the liver. Although not always a symptom, jaundice is a potent sign of hepatitis C. It can be identified by yellow discoloration in the skin and eyes, and it is also a sign that the liver is not functioning properly. Dark urine Clear and dark brown urine is a sign of liver abnormality and hepatitis C, and it can eventually lead to liver cirrhosis. Fever Mild to severe fever can develop if one drinks water contaminated with the hepatitis C virus. Nausea Nausea is a common symptom of the hepatitis C viral infection. People with this infection generally experience vomiting or lack of balance.
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Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) – Causes and Signs

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) – Causes and Signs

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a medical condition where blood clots form deep inside a vein. Under certain conditions, like low mobility, injuries, or as an effect of certain medicines, blood can clump inside the veins. It may even happen due to fatal diseases like pulmonary embolism. On average, one-two persons in every 1,000 are affected by DVT in the country, and almost 30% of those diagnosed do not recover. This article enlists the most common causes and signs of DVT. The common causes of DVT include Having a job that requires long hours of sitting or going on long trips that doesn’t allow much moving about can cause blood clots. Pregnancy can lead to signs of DVT. The baby inside the womb can create pressure on the veins in particular areas, like the pelvic region. The tendency of blood clotting or blood thickening can be an inherent disease and, hence, chances of getting DVT is also higher. Birth control pills contain estrogen hormone, which increases the risk of blood clotting in veins. Contraceptive pills are often recommended to patients suffering PCOS as well. The chances of getting blood clots are also high among these patients. While under medication of such sorts, it is extremely important to understand DVT symptoms and be aware of them.
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7 Common Causes of Cervical Cancer

7 Common Causes of Cervical Cancer

Cancer develops in the body as a result of an uncontrolled mutation of the abnormal cells. Usually, every cell in our body has a fixed lifespan. So, when they die, the body automatically generates newer cells to replace the older ones. However, there are two problems in abnormal cells: they keep dividing, and they do not die quickly.  Common causes of cervical cancer When the abnormal cells are produced and not replaced, they lead to an excessive buildup of abnormal cells. It forms a tumor or a lump in the body, which may or may not become cancerous.  Some risk factors and causes of cervical cancer: HPV HPV stands for human papillomavirus. It is one of the common causes of cervical cancer. The virus is not singular but rather a cluster of 150 related viruses. Of them, at least 13 are responsible for causing cervical cancer. A few of them grow into warts. HPV cells infect the cells on your skin’s surface, genitals’ lining, mouth, anus, and throat. However, they do not do anything to your internal organs or the blood. Unfortunately, the virus is contagious and transfers with skin contact. HPV can spread via oral sex, vaginal sex, and anal sex.
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3 Warning Signs of Multiple Sclerosis

3 Warning Signs of Multiple Sclerosis

Currently affecting nearly 1 million individuals in the United States, multiple sclerosis (or MS) is a medical condition in which the immune system begins to attack the coverings of nerves. Nerve cells are covered by myelin sheaths, fatty coverings that protect these cells and aid in electrical pulse transmission. MS attacks and damages these coverings, eventually resulting in the death of nerve cells. Nerve cells are important to the human body simply because they provide the sensations of the body’s major senses. Without nerve cells, we would not feel the burning sensation of our hand on a stove. This disease can be difficult to live with, but if caught early, treatment can be greatly beneficial. Here are a few symptoms to look out for if you suspect that you may have developed MS: 1. Vision problems A common symptom of multiple sclerosis is optic neuritis, the inflammation of optic nerves. This condition typically occurs in one eye and causes movement-related pain or discomfort, loss of vision, dimness, or blurred vision. Some individuals might experience optic neuritis as one of their first symptoms of multiple sclerosis. After the onset of this symptom, you can expect your normal vision to return within two to six months.
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