Causes and Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer

Causes and Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer

The prostate is a gland present in men that is responsible for producing and transporting the semen. It is in this gland that prostate cancer develops. It is one of the most common types of cancer that can be successfully treated if detected early.

The best way to overcome it is by educating yourself about the common causes and treatment options for prostate cancer. This article discusses these topics briefly.

The exact cause of prostate cancer is yet to be determined. However, research has revealed certain risk factors that may cause prostate cells to develop into cancer cells.

  • Age
    Men over the age of 65 years are exposed to a greater risk of developing prostate cancer. However, the risk is lower before the age of 45.
  • Race
    Researchers claim that men of African descent are more susceptible to getting prostate cancer, whereas men of East Asian descent face a lower risk.
  • Obesity
    Obese men who are physically inactive or maintain a sedentary lifestyle have higher chances of developing prostate cancer.
  • Family history
    Families with a certain type of gene mutations face an increased risk of prostate cancer. Therefore, a father or brother diagnosed with this condition can mean one is more susceptible to it themselves.

Your doctor will perform a thorough diagnosis of the size, type, and location of cancer to recommend an appropriate course of treatment. Here are some options if you are diagnosed with prostate cancer.

  • Radiation therapy
    This process involves the elimination of cancer cells by using a radiation beam inserted into your body through a surgical process known as brachytherapy.
  • Surgery
    In the case of surgery, the doctors completely remove the prostate gland by making an incision in your lower abdomen. This method is known to cure prostate cancer with the highest probability.
  • Surveillance and monitoring
    Your doctor may recommend you to wait and see if the tumor is growing or spreading before beginning any treatment. Some prostate cancers tend to grow slowly. Doctors may advise against treating it unless it alters or shows symptoms that are interfering with your day to day life. During active surveillance, they will carefully monitor the progress of your cancer cells. You may also have to get regular tests to keep a check on your prostate cancer.
  • Hormone therapy
    Prostate cancer cells require testosterone, also known as male sex hormones, to develop into cancer. This treatment helps lower the levels of testosterone to prevent the growth of these cells.

Learning about these common causes and treatment options for prostate cancer will help you discuss it more confidently with your doctor during your next appointment. It is important to know this because detecting prostate cancer in its formative stages makes treating it easier. This is why doctors recommend routine screening to diagnose cancer before it metastasizes.