Effective Ways to Treat UTIs Naturally

Effective Ways to Treat UTIs Naturally

UTIs stands for urinary tract infections. A bacterial infection mainly causes these infections. This is why most doctors treat patients suffering from UTIs with antibiotics. But antibiotics are not always necessary. Such patients can even get cured with natural remedies, too.

To learn more about this, let us take a look at some of the most effective ways to treat UTI at home.

Drink a lot of fluids
Not passing urine for long intervals has known to increase the risk of developing urinary tract infections. This is why it is very important to drink lots of fluids so that you can urinate at regular intervals. Urinating will help the body get rid of the bacteria, which reduces urinary tract infections.

Include unsweetened cranberry juice in your diet
Many people do not know this, but cranberries have proven to be very effective in the treatment of urinary tract infections. This is why you should include cranberry juice in your diet. Studies have shown that those who have cranberry juice or any cranberry product have shown a lot of improvements in their urinary tract infections.

Increase consumption of vitamin C
Doctors recommend those suffering from urinary tract infections to increase their vitamin C intake. Vitamin C results in an increase of acidity in the urine. This, in turn, results in the killing of bacteria that causes urinary tract infections. It would be best if you started including vitamin C in the form of fruits and vegetables. For example, start having more oranges, red peppers, kiwifruit, and grapefruit since they are known to contain the required amount of vitamin C.

Start taking probiotics
Probiotics are healthy microorganisms that you can include with your daily diet. They can also be found in fermented foods, for instance, kombucha, kimchi, as well as probiotic yogurt. Probiotics are known to be very good for our health, as it is said to improve our digestive system and strengthen our immune system. Reports prove that probiotics are even more effective than antibiotics when it comes to treating urinary tract infections.

Do not hold urine for too long
One of the most effective natural ways to treat urinary tract infections is to improve your hygiene routine. Many people hold urine and delay going to the bathroom. This is never a healthy practice. When you hold urine for too long, you are increasing the risk of building up bacteria. This invariably leads to urinary tract infections. This is why it is so important not to hold urine for too long. It is also considered healthy to urinate after having sexual intercourse, as this reduces the risk of infection.

So, these were some of the most effective ways to treat UTI naturally at home.