How to Prevent the Common Cold and Flu

How to Prevent the Common Cold and Flu

The common cold and flu are viruses that we face every year. The common cold causes symptoms of sneezing, coughing and a stuffy nose. While the flu can cause similar symptoms in addition to fever, body aches, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Doctors often can’t prescribe much in the way of medications (i.e., antibiotics) for the common cold or flu as they are viruses and not bacteria borne illnesses, so antibiotics won’t help combat either virus.
However, certain over the counter medications (i.e., decongestants) and the following home remedies can help prevent an oncoming cold or flu:

1. Using a humidifier or vaporizer
The common cold will cause your nose to become congested, which could make breathing and sleeping more difficult for you. If you need some help clearing your nose, you should use a humidifier or vaporizer to clear your sinuses. They can improve the airflow in your nostrils. This makes them ideal to use, especially at night while you sleep, if you feel flu like or cold symptoms coming on.

2. Chicken soup
If you want to energize your body to help fight off cold and flu while calming any nausea you might experience from a coming flu, chicken soup can help. This soup works well since it has simple ingredients filled with vitamins and nutrients, like protein and vitamin C. You can add noodles if you want to fill you up with something gentle that won’t cause stomach pains.

3. Breathing in steam
If your sinuses are congested from a common cold, breathing in steam can help, and will flush your airways with clean moisture and help lubricate a sore throat and nose. Breathing steam  will also help clean various germs from nasal passages. This can also help you reduce any congestion you may have from the common cold. To breathe in steam safely, make sure you let a steaming bowl of hot water cool slightly, put a clean cotton towel over your head and bend your head over the bowl to breathe the steam in safely. Be sure the water is fresh, clean and contains no essential oils.

4. Drinking lots of fluids
Your doctor will always recommend drinking lots of fluids if you want to fight against a cold or flu. Fluids will help you stay hydrated since the common cold and the flu can cause serious dehydration from bodily fluids lost to blowing your nose and fever. However, you should avoid fluids that will dehydrate you, such as soda or caffeinated drinks. Instead, stick to herbal teas, hot water with lemon, cool water, and 100% fruit juices. If you feel dehydrated, try an electrolyte drink, like Gatorade to top off essential levels.

5. Taking vitamin C
Vitamin C is a great way to boost your immune system as you prepare for the cold and flu season. You can do this easily by eating more fruits with vitamin C, drinking 100% fruit juices (i.e., orange or grapefruit) or taking vitamin C supplements. Each of these options will help you consume more daily vitamin C and help build up your immune system for the upcoming flu season. If you’re taking vitamin C in supplement form, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider about the importance of vitamin D.

As you care for yourself throughout the year, you can prevent the common cold and flu with the help of these dietary choices and home remedies. While these won’t stop illnesses completely, they may help you fight off illnesses or lessen the duration and severity of certain illnesses. This way, you can increase your odds of remaining healthy during the flu and cold seasons.