Sleep Apnea – Risk Factors and Effective Prevention Measures

Sleep Apnea – Risk Factors and Effective Prevention Measures

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder and causes the breathing of an individual to repeatedly stop and start while they are asleep. Different factors may cause sleep apnea. Some develop this condition because of blocked or clogged windpipes, while others may get it because of the abnormal behavior of the muscles that are responsible for breathing. Read on to know the risk factors and prevention tips for sleep apnea.

Risk factors

  • Obesity
    This is among the most common risk factors that can cause sleep apnea. The excessive fat deposited around the windpipe clogs the path and narrows it down, resulting in obstructed breathing.
  • Nasal congestion
    This risk factor causes the sleep disorder in many cases. Nasal congestion may occur due to allergies or because of a differently structured nose, and these factors lead to restricted airflow as the airways are blocked. This tends to cause sleep apnea in patients over time.
  • Smoking
    Those who smoke have higher chances of developing sleep apnea than people who do not have the habit. Smoking causes inflammation around the windpipe and increases the level of water retention, causing the airways to be clogged and narrow.
  • The use of sedatives
    Using sedatives or any medicines or substances that cause muscle relaxation is another risk factor of sleep apnea. They can cause the muscles responsible for breathing to relax and not function properly. When the muscles are relaxed, the breathing process is interrupted, developing sleep apnea.
  • Narrow air path
    Some people may have a narrow airway since birth, and it may run in the family. This abnormality leaves lesser space for air to pass and disrupts the breathing process. Enlarged tonsils are also a natural factor that can obstruct breathing and lead to sleep apnea.

Prevention tips for sleep apnea

  • Yoga and breathing exercises
    Regularly doing yoga and breathing exercises helps the body gain more control over the breathing muscles and also helps it receive more oxygen, which is missed out due to poor airflow in sleep apnea patients.
  • Sleeping position
    This is among the simplest prevention tips for sleep apnea. Sleeping on the back is one of the common causes of disrupted breathing, so adults are advised to sleep on their sides to allow for proper breathing and prevent any symptoms of sleep apnea.
  • The use of humidifiers
    People with breathing problems may experience greater difficulty in dry weather, so one can opt for a humidifier to increase moisture in the air and improve breathing. It opens up the path of the air and allows breathing to become easier and less exerted.

These common risk factors and prevention tips for sleep apnea can help an individual decide whether they need to get a doctor’s appointment. That said, it’s best to consult a medical practitioner for advice to manage the condition effectively.