3 Beneficial Dietary Tips for Colon Cancer Patients

3 Beneficial Dietary Tips for Colon Cancer Patients

Various reports indicate that colon cancer is the third most common type of cancer affecting people in the country. As of last year, the death rate due to the disease was over 50,000. This type of cancer mostly affects the elderly, and about 90% of colon cancer patients are above the age of 50. Here are some helpful nutrition tips for colon cancer patients to combat the disease: Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables It is a no-brainer that fruits and vegetables are beneficial for overall health and well-being and a crucial part of a healthy diet. Along with that, the right combination of fruits and vegetables can help stun the growth of cancerous tumors in the colon. Vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, kale, and Brussels sprouts are good for colon cancer patients. Healthcare professionals state that with every 10 grams of fiber that a person consumes, they reduce their risk of getting colon cancer by 10 percent. Speaking of fruits, one should include pears, apples, raspberries, bananas, and oranges in their diet, as they are rich sources of antioxidants that play a very important role in controlling and delaying the effects of cell damage. Include whole grains in the diet Including whole grains in the daily diet is a very healthy practice, as they include necessary nutrients for both physical and mental well-being.
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Causes and Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer

Causes and Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer

The prostate is a gland present in men that is responsible for producing and transporting the semen. It is in this gland that prostate cancer develops. It is one of the most common types of cancer that can be successfully treated if detected early. The best way to overcome it is by educating yourself about the common causes and treatment options for prostate cancer. This article discusses these topics briefly. Causes The exact cause of prostate cancer is yet to be determined. However, research has revealed certain risk factors that may cause prostate cells to develop into cancer cells. Age Men over the age of 65 years are exposed to a greater risk of developing prostate cancer. However, the risk is lower before the age of 45. Race Researchers claim that men of African descent are more susceptible to getting prostate cancer, whereas men of East Asian descent face a lower risk. Obesity Obese men who are physically inactive or maintain a sedentary lifestyle have higher chances of developing prostate cancer. Family history Families with a certain type of gene mutations face an increased risk of prostate cancer. Therefore, a father or brother diagnosed with this condition can mean one is more susceptible to it themselves.
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Top 4 Diagnosis Procedures and Treatments for Lymphoma

Top 4 Diagnosis Procedures and Treatments for Lymphoma

Lymphoma is cancer that attacks your immune system by crowding out the healthy infection-fighting cells known as lymphocytes and replacing them with abnormal cancerous cells. When someone is diagnosed with lymphoma, it means that these lymphocytes have grown dangerous and out of control. So, the best way to fight the condition is by educating yourself about the diagnosis and treatment options for lymphoma so you can avail of the right procedures. Read this article to know more. Diagnosis Here are the tests and procedures used to detect lymphoma in your body: Physical diagnosis When you go to your doctor for a physical exam, they will check for swollen lymph nodes in your underarm, neck, groin, spleen, and even your liver. Removal of lymph node for further testing Depending upon your condition, your doctor may even suggest you undergo a lymph node biopsy procedure in a lab. This advanced test helps determine the presence of lymphoma cells and the type of cells involved. Blood test Through this test, the lab will count the number of cells in your blood sample that will help your doctor make an accurate diagnosis of your condition. Removal of bone marrow sample for testing A bone marrow sample is taken by inserting a needle in your hipbone.
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Spinal Muscular Atrophy – Symptoms and Effective Treatment Options

Spinal Muscular Atrophy – Symptoms and Effective Treatment Options

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a condition that usually impacts infants and children. The nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain experience a breakdown, impacting the brain’s ability to send messages that regulate muscle movement. So, one must educate themselves about the early signs and popular treatments for SMA to facilitate early diagnosis and ensure timely treatment for the condition. Early signs Here are some of the warning signs that one should know about: Hypotonia Hypotonia results in low limb movement, tremors, difficulty swallowing, poor tendon reflexes, and weakened breathing. These signs usually show up in children below the age of 2 years, and patients are unable to sit or stand without support. Also, most children with the condition are unable to survive due to respiratory failure. Limited movement This is the intermediate form of SMA that occurs between the ages of 6 and 18 months. At this stage, children can sit but fail to walk or stand without support. Some may even experience breathing difficulties with a heightened risk of respiratory disorder. The life expectancy of children at this stage is low, but survival may also be well into young adulthood. Difficulty in movement Tremors make it difficult for patients to run, climb steps, or even rise from their chairs.
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Various Stages and Treatments for Kidney Cancer

Various Stages and Treatments for Kidney Cancer

While treating cancer, a team of different doctors comes together to administer a combination of treatments to increase the efficiency of the overall treatment plan. For kidney cancer, the team of doctors usually comprises of a urologist, a urologic oncologist, a medical oncologist, and a radiation oncologist. Here are the different treatment types for kidney cancer that can be opted for, depending on the stage of the condition, the patient’s overall health, and some other factors. Kidney cancer treatment by stage The different treatment types for kidney cancer that are offered largely depend on the stage at which the cancer is. The overall health and patient’s preferences are also taken into consideration. Treatment for stages I, II, and III of kidney cancer When the cancer is at stages I and II, it is still limited to the kidney. At stage III, cancer has spread to the nearby lymph nodes or the nearby large veins. At these stages, the cancer tumor is usually removed with the help of surgery. The most common approaches include: Partial nephrectomy In this procedure, only the diseased part of the kidney is removed. This is often the preferred plan of treatment when the tumor has not grown more than 7 cm or is a little less than 3 inches.
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Foods You Should Eat to Manage Hemophilia

Foods You Should Eat to Manage Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a disorder of the blood in which the blood loses its clotting ability. This may cause excessive bleeding after injury or surgery or even spontaneous bleeding. The proteins responsible for clotting, clotting factors are missing in the case of hemophilia. The amount of clotting factor in the blood determines the severity of hemophilia. Let us have a look at some foods to eat to manage hemophilia. Fruits and vegetables Foods that are rich in vitamin C help in the formation of collagen, while those with vitamin B help in the formation of new blood cells. Thus, it is important to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables to manage hemophilia. Foods that are rich in proteins and good fats should be considered. Some of the common sources of vitamin C include strawberries, oranges, papaya, apples, kiwi, blueberries, and pineapple. Some of the vegetables rich in vitamin K should also be consumed, like spinach, turnip greens, broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, and dark green lettuce. Vitamin K helps improve the function of our liver and improves blood clotting, countering excessive bleeding. Whole grains Whole grains are healthy and have various nutrients. However, there is another important benefit of consuming whole grains.
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Effective Ways to Treat UTIs Naturally

Effective Ways to Treat UTIs Naturally

UTIs stands for urinary tract infections. A bacterial infection mainly causes these infections. This is why most doctors treat patients suffering from UTIs with antibiotics. But antibiotics are not always necessary. Such patients can even get cured with natural remedies, too. To learn more about this, let us take a look at some of the most effective ways to treat UTI at home. Drink a lot of fluids Not passing urine for long intervals has known to increase the risk of developing urinary tract infections. This is why it is very important to drink lots of fluids so that you can urinate at regular intervals. Urinating will help the body get rid of the bacteria, which reduces urinary tract infections. Include unsweetened cranberry juice in your diet Many people do not know this, but cranberries have proven to be very effective in the treatment of urinary tract infections. This is why you should include cranberry juice in your diet. Studies have shown that those who have cranberry juice or any cranberry product have shown a lot of improvements in their urinary tract infections. Increase consumption of vitamin C Doctors recommend those suffering from urinary tract infections to increase their vitamin C intake.
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Nasal Polyps – Foods to Eat and Avoid

Nasal Polyps – Foods to Eat and Avoid

Nasal polyps are the name given to soft growth on the lining of sinuses or nasal passages that are noncancerous. They are shaped like grapes or teardrops and are caused by chronic inflammation. They are mostly associated with asthma, allergies, recurring infection, and certain immune disorders. Let us have a look at some dietary suggestions for diet for nasal polyps. Flavonoids Flavonoids are antioxidants that help in improving the immune system and fighting respiratory infections. Certain popular sources of flavonoids include apples, broccoli, cherries, citrus fruits, tea, raspberries, cranberries, and red grapes. Omega-3 fatty acids The recurrence of nasal polyps has been noted with the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids. This is because omega-3 fatty acids are associated with anti-inflammatory mechanisms. Therefore, the need for systemic steroid administration is minimized with the known side effects. Even while the medical treatment of nasal polyps is being considered, Omega-3 fatty acids should be considered as they’re very effective. Some of the common sources of omega-3 fatty acids to be included in the diet are flaxseeds, walnuts, and soybean. Foods rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene Vitamin A is responsible for protecting the membrane linings of sinuses. Furthermore, due to its properties as an antioxidant, it fights chronic inflammation.
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Common Ways to Prevent Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Common Ways to Prevent Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Pulmonary hypertension is a high blood pressure condition in which the right side of the heart and arteries in the lungs are affected. In case the blood vessels in the lungs are destroyed, narrowed, or blocked, it is referred to as PAH or pulmonary arterial hypertension. Here are some of the common ways of how to prevent pulmonary arterial hypertension: Eat healthy without extra fluids While there are direct ways of preventing pulmonary arterial hypertension, one can manage it by taking some steps. The condition of PAH is known to increase the characteristic of retaining water, and thus one is advised to avoid foods that make the body retain a lot of water or other fluids. When you have foods with salt and drink water in excess quantity, the body cannot get rid of excess water. The fluids then accumulate in the abdomen, legs, etc. It gets difficult to exercise or move. Try to avoid nausea Nausea can be avoided by specific kinds of meals, which is an essential answer to how to prevent pulmonary arterial hypertension. Have smaller meals and avoid foods with a high quantity of fat. Once you understand the kinds of meals, you should have them more frequently.
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Lifestyle Triggers for Migraine

Lifestyle Triggers for Migraine

Migraine is no ordinary headache. Migraine can cause moderate to severe headaches that can last anywhere between 4 and 72 hours. The pain is usually on one side of the head, and it can worsen with some activities and leads to nausea, vomiting, and other discomforting symptoms. So, keep the headaches under check. Here are three lifestyle choices that trigger a migraine, which you should keep under check: Not getting proper sleep It has been proven that getting proper sleep is essential to control migraines. Therefore, not getting enough sleep can be one of the lifestyle choices that trigger migraines and can put you through the excruciating pain. Sleep deprivation has been associated with increased severity and frequency of migraine episodes in some patients. Some researchers found that sleep deprivation can cause changes in the body’s levels of essential proteins, increasing the chances of migraines. People who do not sleep more than six hours are prone to headaches. But it must also be noted that oversleeping, which is more than 8 hours, also can worsen the migraine. To control migraines, you should fix a sleep schedule and start waking up and sleeping at the same time every day. Excessive stressing Doctors have found that people who undergo a lot of stress are more prone to getting frequent headaches.
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